Crystals can create a powerful energy on an alter, if you know how. Your alter can bring in deep transformational energies into your life and home. Before I explain how to use crystals on your alter let me explain to you why an alter works.
The actions you perform with your alter are not the part that creates the healing, the alter is just a tool to focus your energy and ground it into the physical. The actions you take are only as good as the quality of your focus on the energy and sensation you wish to create. For example, if you wish to create prosperity with your alter then you could say a blessing such as “may this alter be blessed with abundance” but simply saying the words is not enough, for it to work you need to let the sensation of abundance fill you up as you say it, letting the words invite a certain feeling within. That being said, if that blessing doesn’t make you feel abundant perhaps it’d be better to say “Well there sure is a lot of beautiful things in my life!” or perhaps if you’re feeling particularly stuck “I don’t feel that abundant yet but I can feel a gentle change coming my way”.
The key is to connect to what YOU feel is right because that’s where the energy starts to bloom! So how are we going to use crystals on our alter? Imagine saying that blessing and having your crystal friend be able to hold that frequency to keep the good energy flowing even as you step away from the alter. Crystals are so receptive to energy and will entrain with the energy that you charge and bless them with, they can hold that charge for a long time and will emanate the frequency abundantly.
So let’s try this:
– Pick up your crystal
– As you hold it, ask yourself what you wish to bring into your life, then pick a blessing or phrase that gives you the feeling of having what you desire
– Relax yourself, breathe deeply, then say your phrase, allowing your feelings to reach out to the crystal.
– Wait a few seconds for the energy to settle in, then either repeat, or say another phrase to bring a new energy in
– Work with the energy until you are happy with it, then place it on the alter, stating your intentions for this energy to bless the alter
– Thank the crystal for its help and there you go!
As always please experiment and find an approach that feels most powerful, effective and satisfying to you.
This is Harry Helsing and if you would like to book a session contact me here at